Studio flux

My initial exuberance and joy in having time and a place to make work is tempered now. There will be an exhibition next week! There will be an audience!
I remember the process now, the embodied duel between the pressure to produce work for a show, and my need to create and keep the work open. I remember that drawing and making is an act of self-locating. I remember discussions on productive doubt and negative capability. I remember that I need to be true to the initial intention in the work.
I am a temporary guest here in St Augustine’s for this residency. The space in the School House is roomy and bright, surrounded by a garden of bright begonias, waist high lavender, fuchsias and cotoneaster. The colours feed into my work, and the work I produce is almost growing or colonising the room I occupy. I am thinking about this building being a meeting place, but it is also my studio. So I sew, assemble, take away objects and add again in an intuitive response to this room and place coloured by my own context.